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Abstract: Coworking is unquestionably the most exciting development in real estate in the last several hundred years. To those interested in property and human psychology, coworking is a genuine object of fascination. Coworking has disrupted every aspect of our relationships with our built environment. It has challenged our values around ownership, tenancy, public and private space. But for something that is so important, it is so poorly understood. Coworking Inc. was written to fill the informational void around coworking and explain the origins, the present day and the trends guiding the future of the industry.
Titolo e contributi: Coworking Inc.: The Bohemian Movement That Adopted Capitalism / Jonathan O'Byrne
Pubblicazione: [S.l.] : Collective Works Pte Ltd, 2020
Descrizione fisica: 228 p. ; 20 cm
EAN: 9781643707143
Lingua: Inglese (lingua del testo, colonna sonora, ecc.)
Paese: Italia
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TREVIOLO | 331.25 OBY | TRL-80777 | Su scaffale | Prestabile |
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